“…But It Feels So Good…”

Dear ToddCohen.com Sales Community,

As a sales professionals, we are all accountable to drive the correct activities that produce results. We all know this. When you are thinking about your pipeline or are in a discussion about your pipeline, do you find yourself saying “Well, I feel really good about my pipeline,” or “I have been having some great meetings,” or perhaps “I am pretty sure I have enough to make my numbers,” or “I think I can hit the targets”?  Do you find yourself saying these things?

STOP. Step away from the fuzzy cliches.

Part of being a great sales professional is the ability to move beyond the “feel good” and demonstrate ability to translate the right activities into closeable business! I am glad you feel good. That’s important, but do you feel good enough about what you are doing to put commissions in your pocket?

Here are “Todd’s Tips” on Getting Tactical:

  1. Close every “great call” with a list of follow-up items, and complete them within 24 hours.
  2. If you find yourself wondering what to do next to make business happen, consult your virtual team.
  3. Seek coaching.
  4. Review your pipeline daily, and if you don’t have follow-up items, then get in touch with your prospect and ASK what is next.
  5. Create a plan of action for your clients. They are waiting for you to educate and show them the solution.

Good Selling!


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